You are looking for:
- a structured way to discuss possible futures
- ways to imagine the possible futures of your industry, organization, team, or challenge
- multiple possible future scenarios and the threats and opportunities inside them
- possible timelines of success (or failure!)
- your future customers and how to recognize them
- future opportunities and how to spot them
- a chance to liberate your team’s creativity
- the insights your team is longing to reveal
- a real conversation with the freedom to pursue fresh ideas
- a facilitator who writes about killer robots
- a participant who can help groups reach consensus
- fun
I am looking for:
- a chance to be the catalyst you need

You want to learn:
- what trends and drivers are impacting your landscape
- what’s changing and what isn’t
- how a development in another sector or country might influence your own
- what’s real, and what’s just hype
- about the real-world implications of your innovation or strategy
- how bad it can get (and how great it could be)
- which of your assumptions need an update
- how to envision multiple possible future timelines
- what’s on the other side of ambiguity, uncertainty, and indecision
I want to learn:
- everything about you!

You are looking for a speaker who:
- inspires guests to think about the future
- sets the tone for seminars, workshops, or other engagements
- makes a real connection with audiences
- is equally comfortable at Comic-Con and a community meeting
- loves to tell stories
- helps make visions of the future concrete and legible
- knows how to moderate a panel
- does the homework
I am looking for:
- a chance to hear your story

- want the combined experience of a trained futurist and proven storybreaker in your writers’ room
- need to keep your McGuffin cinematic, your stakes clear, and your ideas grounded in research
- want some notes, an edit letter, or just a conversation
- need to craft and package this story so producers and audiences get it
- feel like you’re in a narrative rut
- need that one metaphor, symbol, or analogy that will make your technology clear to an audience
- are curious about new ways to show, not tell, the future world you’ve created
- want to search the dark corners of your story’s scenario
- need a tiebreaker to help sort ideas and enable storytelling choices
- want your team out of the weeds and into the story
- am your secret weapon

You’re telling a story:
- to evoke possible futures in a rich, lived-in, resonant way
- to share your vision
- to imagine what’s possible
- to road-test the implications of a strategy or senario
- to make a foresight scenario come alive
- to add human scale and depth to your report
- to show what your numbers mean in everyday life
- to start a conversation
- to use fiction as a prototyping process
- to find points of failure
- to connect with new and different personas
- to depict generational and demographic change
- to investigate alternatives
I’m telling a story:
- because planning for the future means writing it down, first